Imagine hundreds of thousands of individuals across the globe joined in a deep meditation. As a joint project between the California Institute of Integral Studies and Wisdom Mountain, both non-profit organizations based in Northern California, Gaiafield is a “meta-network”, a network of networks, that brings together organizations across the globe who are deeply committed to bringing individuals together in communion, prayer and meditation with the intent of a deep inner peace that is activated on a global level.
When Holocosmos was selected to provide creative direction, branding identity, webdesign, digital marketing for Gaifield we assisted by providing a range of state-of-the-art rich media technologies designed to cultivate global community and vitalize the Gaiafield experience. Launch date was September 21,2006 when 4000 online participants from six countries joined in a deep, collective prayer and meditation for peace. Gaifield continues to unfold and deepen its web of networks and Holocosmos continues to have the pleasure of contributing innovative solutions to this sublime social activism, an experiment in global consciousness.