H O M E | A B O U T | V I S I O N | W O R K S | T E A M | C O N T A C T



GE NewsFlash System: System Pricing

O V E R V I E W | C A R T R I D G E S | G A L L E R Y | I N S I D E G E | P R I C I N G


System and Pricing

How to Put NewsFlash to Work for You

The NewsFlash System is a highly flexible, customizable, modular solution that helps you meet your goals for communication. NewsFlash pumps new life into tired employee communications.

HoloCosmos can customize NewsFlash to feature your Business Unit Identity, your NewsLetter masthead, outreach program or other intitiative. Then we supply a NewsFlash Engine, NewsFlash Maker Windows Application, NewsFlash eMail Template and staff training and support.

HoloCosmos can also answer your in-house team's need for fresh, compelling visuals for each issue of your internal communications by providing you with the NewsFlash Visual Cartridge service on an affordable subscription basis. For example, brand new visual cartridges can be created on a weekly basis for as little as $250 per week. We can also supply custom music, special purpose animation and video on a cartridge basis.

Resuscitate your employee commuincations before it's too late! For information on pricing and system details, contact:

Brooks Cole
CEO/Creative Director
(415) 415-663-5486



Click on the visuals at right to see some examples of the NewsFlash and its visuals.

See the latest NewsFlash.

Learn about how NewsFlash is expandable through the use of visual, music and animation Cartridges.

Explore a Gallery of previous NewsFlashes and screenshots of articles.



GE Client/Visionary: Nancy Elder
GE Project Lead: Elizabeth Barnes
Lead Engineer:
JA Nelson
Creative Director/Producer/Animator: Brooks Cole


Brooks Cole
CEO/Creative Director
(415) 415-663-5486


Click Pictures to Enlarge

Global Travel Story Synopsis

Global Travel Story Main Image





NewsFlash lets GE communicators quickly build a fresh Flash™ presentation highlighting the featured stories from each issue of the employee newsletter or other vehicles. We can take "cubicle photography" and turn it into compelling, creative visuals that pump new life into tired communications. For more information, contact Brooks Cole, CEO, HoloCosmos.


H O M E | A B O U T | V I S I O N | W O R K S | T E A M | C O N T A C T