H O M E | A B O U T | V I S I O N | W O R K S | T E A M | C O N T A C T



GE NewsFlash System: Gallery

O V E R V I E W | C A R T R I D G E S | G A L L E R Y | I N S I D E G E | P R I C I N G

Initial NewsFlash Branding Animation

Rolling Over Filmstrip Animates Headlines

Executive Profile Rollover

Business Unit Profile Rollover

Executive Perspective Synopsis

Boundaryless Sales Model Story Rollover

GE Client/Visionary: Nancy Elder
GE Project Lead:
Elizabeth Barnes
Lead Engineer:
JA Nelson
Creative Director/Producer/Animator: Brooks Cole


Brooks Cole
CEO/Creative Director
(415) 415-663-5486


Initial NewsFlash Branding Animation

Clicking Filmstrip Animates Synopsis

Diversity Story Synopsis

Charitable Giving Rollover

Health Advice Story Synopsis

Global Travel Story Synopsis




These are samples of NewsFlash Animation and story visuals. Click on screens to see full-size versions.


H O M E | A B O U T | V I S I O N | W O R K S | T E A M | C O N T A C T