about historic terraforming science mythology esoterica future

Sumerian Ziggurat
Depiction of a Sumerian Zigguerat at the site of ancient city-state of Ur.

provides the essential source data for video games and feature films.

Does your production need a prospectus on the potential breakthrough technologies of the next decade? Does your set designer need detailed architectural renderings of ancient Sumerian Ziggurats (pyramid temples)? Are you searching for the scientifically correct dialogue for your script's lead, a microbiologist who is exploring the backwaters of the Amazonia?

Sloane Astrolabe
Circa AD 1300. An astrolabe is a multi-functional instrument enabling the user to perform such diverse tasks as time-keeping (by both day and night), surveying, determining latitude and casting horoscopes. Astrolabes were used in Europe until the seventeenth century, and in the Islamic world until the nineteenth century.

delivers rich information dossiers communicated in multiple mediums - written, visual, audio and video - which can easily be translated into the specifics of your project.

(We also provide data in digital format per production specifications).

services are highly specialized and carefully tailored to each individual client.

Our spectrum of knowledge and network of experts in a variety of fields is extensive and wide-ranging ye t the data we provide is very exacting in its detail.

A stylized depiction of a neuron at the moment of synaptic firing

Our aim is to expedite your creative development process and enrich the "worlds" and the narratives you are translating into the dynamic entertainment content of games and film.







Ms.Drew is a "synergist" of numerous fields of research and multiple mediums of expression. Her degree at U.C. Berkeley was in Religious Studies with an emphasis on transcultural myth and semiotics.

As a lecturer she has spoken internationally at symposiums and academic institutions on such subjects as "Media and Consciousness" "The Cybernetic Sensorium" and "Mind Design".

As a writer and researcher she has been hired as an expert for such diverse institutions as the Manhattan based Asia Society and publications such as the tech and culture magazine Mondo 2000.

hether for a Film Director, Game Designer, Special Effects Supervisor, Art Director, Set Designer, Costume Designer or an Actor preparing for a role, Illumina Web provides a highly personalized one-on-one consultation which is specific to both the scope of your production and to the production's distinctive areas of focus.

Ms. Drew was Creative Director and Co-Founder of the Los Angeles based multimedia company Serpmon that developed the "CyberPacific Adventure" a CD-ROM game that was based on transcultural myth and mystical initiation practices. This innovative game design was particularly sensitive to the effects of visuals wedded with kinesthetic interfaces to enhance and induce cognitive process and perception. It also focused on the creation of historically accurate simulated environments.

Ms. Drew is conversant in many aspects of the production process of film and game production. Clients say Ms. Drew is "a muse who amplifies the core of any project and generates a range of unexpected solutions and ideas." Over the last twenty years she has traveled internationally studying ancient ritual, art, culture and native tradition.

"Knowledge becomes Real with Experience." Illumina Web is born of her personal and professional passions.

Please contact us for a consultation specific to your production and needs.