about historic terraforming science mythology esoterica future

Human Embryo: 32 Days
Approximately 32 days old in the "tail bud stage."

Dolphin Embryo: 24 Days
Note the similarities with the human embryo at this stage.

provides a range of scientific research which can be translated to set design and narrative development. We give our clients "mastery" of the terminology of the science so that it can be translated into script dialogues.

If you want to know about astrophysics or nanotechnology we provide you with the language and the pictures to translate these sciences into narrative and set design. What is it like to navigate through a SuperString Universe? We will give you descriptions and storyboard sequences.

Leonardo Da Vinci Inventions
These are excerpts from the extensive notebooks of the 15th century CE polymath Leonardo Da Vinci. Amongst his many conceptual inventions were flying machines and elevators.





hether for a Film Director, Game Designer, Special Effects Supervisor, Art Director, Set Designer, Costume Designer or an Actor preparing for a role, Illumina Web provides a highly personalized one-on-one consultation which is specific to both the scope of your production and to the production's distinctive areas of focus.


Emission Nebulae (Above)
Nebulae are seen with high powered telescopes which allow us to see what is always present but at this point in time invisible to the human eyes. A typical galaxy is 100,000 light-years in diameter. This picture shows an Emission Nebulae, which is composed of clouds of high temperature gas. Emission nebulae are usually the sites of recent and ongoing star formation.
we provide on a variety of scientific subjects are thorough and easily applied to your entertainment content.

Included in each dossier are the following:

Dandilion Vestigial
Pollen Grain

This picture is taken from an electron microscope picture

Overview Description:
A thorough overview of the area of scientific in quiry given in easy digestible bits with lots of descriptive visuals which will accelerate your mastery of the subject and your translation of it into entertainment product.

Visual Schematics of various scientific processes, which can easily be translated into storyboards.

DNA: The Software
"All living things, can also be utilized as a structural proteomic system, and a "logical" component for molecular computing." There are two levels this works at: 1) the structures and processes of living life are the models for the creation of artificial life or 2) By understanding the structure and processes of living life such as the "mechanics" of RNA proteins in DNA we can purposefully manipulate them to achieve specific results of evolution and material creation. The example configuration shown here is one of many developed by Ned Seeman at NYU, and others exploring similar concepts. Link Charles Ostman. www.technofutures.com/charles

Scientific History We also explore scientific inventions of the past, with a particular focus on those seers who saw the future before their time such as Leonardo De Vinci. Or those inventions which if adopted would have meant an alternative evolutionary path for humanity such as Tessla Coil invented by Nicola Tesla at the turn of the 20th century.

Please contact us for a consultation specific to your production and needs.