H O M E | A B O U T | V I S I O N | W O R K S | T E A M | C O N T A C T

triangletriangleRelated Projects:


Personal Life Media has refined it business model since it early podcasting network days, when HoloCosmos designed the company's original site several years ago. Now the publishing phenomenon is focusing its new offerings on helping married couples increase the fulfillment of their relationships. The company asked us to update the original brand identity we created in 2006 and have maintained since, in order to match the new requirements of their publishing and marketing activites.

Since 2006, Personal Life Media has turned to HoloCosmos for their design strategy, including most recently an Online Publishing and Marketing System, a Corporate Identity System (depicted below) and branding for their signature EProducts System (click links for details).




Client: Susan Bratton
Creative Director/Producer/Animator: Brooks Cole
Project Manager/Lead Developer: Vinay Paudel